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Improving the Health of Your Smile

Braces can be a life-changing treatment—they not only improve the health of your smile but can lead to a huge confidence boost as well. You may not want to show off crooked teeth or an overbite, but after you have braces, you might never stop smiling about your straight, beautiful, healthy teeth. When you explore your treatment options with Ferguson Dental Group, you’ll see how modern braces make treatment easier, faster, and more comfortable than ever before.

teen smiling

How Do Braces Work?

You will wear braces for several months, so it can be helpful to know a little about how they work. Brackets make direct contact with the teeth and apply pressure, which comes from the wires that link each bracket together. Over time, this pressure shifts teeth into healthier positions to eliminate gaps or crowding, which could otherwise have negative impacts on your oral health.

During your treatment with braces, you will go to your dentist’s office every few weeks to have your braces examined and tightened. This ensures that treatment stays on track and gives you a chance to ask any questions or express concerns that might come up while wearing braces. For example, you may need extra help getting used to flossing when you first start wearing braces, and your dental hygienist or dentist can show you the right method during your checkups.

Who Should Consider Getting Braces?

Anyone with spacing or bite issues might consider braces, regardless of their age. Though undergoing treatment with braces in childhood is common, adults can benefit from braces as well. It is never too late in life to correct your smile, and doing so can have an immediate benefit on your oral health. After treatment, it will be easier to brush your teeth and floss, and you’ll minimize any pain or pressure points in your teeth and jaw.

How Are Modern Braces Better?

In the past, braces had a reputation for being very uncomfortable and unsightly, but modern braces are much easier to wear in terms of both comfort and aesthetics. Today, braces come in a broader range of colors, and brackets feature much more compact designs. Some braces even boast clear options, so they are not nearly as visible on the teeth. Modern technology has also facilitated better treatment planning, so braces are generally worn for less time.

Schedule Your Appointment Today!

Give us a call to schedule your appointment and start feeling confident in your smile. Schedule your smile makeover from our team of experts. Reach out to our office by calling 314-522-6300 at your earliest convenience!